Best Mattress For Sex - How to Find the Right Mattress For Lovemaking

There's a question that's very important, but which most couples are too embarrassed to ask when they go mattress shopping. What's this mattress like for sex? It's a really personal question, but it's pretty important for people who have active sex lives. A third of US adults said that they'd happily buy a new mattress if it would make their sex lives better. A good mattress makes sex more comfortable and more enjoyable. A bad one can put both of you in a less than ideal mood.

Discovering that your bed acts like a black hole or is hard to move on when you're making love could put a real damper on your relationship. A bed with too much bounce could result in a constant need to reposition and not much satisfaction. Cheaply made mattresses might even break if you get too energetic. So, what can you do to find a bed that won't ruin the mood? Here's a look at the best mattresses for sex, and what you should be looking for.

First, you need to realize that the right mattress for you isn't necessarily going to be the right mattress for someone else. Every couple has their own style and a few things that work well for you. For some, a memory foam bed is the perfect choice - there's no spring rebound, and it's easy to keep steady. If you're acrobatic in bed, though, you may find that some positions are pretty difficult to achieve when you're on memory foam. The feel is different from a coil spring bed, and the foam gets softer as it heats up, making movement much different.

Air mattresses have some problems when it comes to sex, too - especially the cheaper kind. They provide a lot of bounce, but aren't tremendously sturdy. They're very convenient for couples who need to move a lot, though, and a few changes to your lovemaking routine may be worth the increased ease of moving your bedroom around. Conventional spring mattresses are very sturdy and reliable, but their tendency to squeak is legendary. Plus, they may not be as comfortable, and can cause you to feel like you're bouncing around.

What's the best mattress for sex? It really depends on your priorities. Take some time to think about how you and your partner make love, and what factors you prefer. Then, when you go mattress shopping, you can think about how a given mattress fits with those preferences - without having to expose your innermost secrets to the salesperson. A little bit of research and thought could go a long way if you want the best mattress for sex. Think about it - it'll do a lot for your relationship.
Sleeping is another important activity which requires a good mattress. Follow the links to our FREE website to find best rated mattresses from quality brands like Sealy, Tempurpedic, Simmons and Jamison mattresses.
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