Why Should You Consider a Memory Foam Mattress for Your Child?

When choosing a bed there is a wealth of options available. The frame however is only half the story as realistically the mattress is the most important part of any bed. Getting kids to go to bed and stay there is a problem for many parents and often this is down to the comfort of their mattress. Many people make the mistake of purchasing a mattress that is not specifically designed for children.

There are three main types of mattresses on the market, open coil sprung, pocket sprung and memory foam. You can also buy mattresses which are a combination of pocket springs and memory foam.

So which is right for children?

The answer to this question is it depends on the child. There are a number of factors which should be considered when purchasing a mattress for a child. These include, their age, their weight, how much they tend to move during sleep and any allergies they may have.

Younger children tend to weigh very little and so they require a softer mattress. Open coil sprung mattresses are ideal for this purpose. It should however be noted that a soft open coil sprung mattress would need changing when the child gets to 10 or 11 years of age and becomes a little heavier. A pocket sprung mattress is suitable for older children and adults but would be very hard for a younger child. Memory foam however has the advantage of being ideal for children whatever their age this is because it is not solely reliant on weight to provide support. Memory foam reacts to both the weight and heat of the human body meaning that it does it's job well whatever the age of the person on it.

In addition to the above considerations, memory foam mattresses are, by design, hypoallergenic, dust mite resistant, offer superior support and promote good posture during sleep. This makes them ideal for kids who do a lot of their growing whilst sleeping.

So what makes a memory foam mattress so great?

Traditional sprung mattresses regardless of their internal construction are a breeding ground for dustmites, there are some on the market which have specialists coverings which lessen the dust mite problem but the nature of a sprung mattress promotes problems. The main reason for this is the fact that within a sprung mattress there are necessary "hollows" into which dead skin and dust particles settle. This "debris" is what dustmites thrive on and this is what makes it difficult to keep a sprung mattress free of such nasties.

With a memory foam mattress there are no hollows and therefore there is no "breeding ground" for the dustmite. Of course it is necessary to keep the cover clean and dust free where possible however the debris referred to above will not work it's way into the mattress itself as it does with a sprung mattress and therefore a memory foam mattress is much easier to keep free of dustmites.

So which is right for your child?

This depends on your child more than anything. Where memory foam is great at resisting "nasties" it is not for every child. If your child suffers from Alergies or Skin Complaints then memory foam may well be the way to go. Speak to your retailer about your child and their needs make sure you understand what they are saying and don't let them baffle you with science. Sprung mattresses can be great for kids and some children find it difficult to sleep on memory foam. If you are able to arrange for your child to try out the mattress options this would be great. Maybe find a friend who has a mattress their child likes and see if you child can try a nap on it. The more information that you have regarding what will suit your child the more likely you are to make the right decision.
For more information see: http://www.rainbowwoodsouth.co.uk/mattresses.php
 Rainbow Wood is the South of England's premier supplier of children's beds and bedroom furniture visit our website at:

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Lee_Gurd

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